Monday 2 March 2009

What's it like to be a Student in Sheffield?

Back to me and my life...

What's it like to be a Student in Sheffield?
That is probably the question that I am most often asked when meeting new people so, I have finally decided to ask myself after continuously answering "ummmm, yeah it's good thanks". I am pretty certain I have a lot more to say then this!

My first few weeks being a student were probably the most difficult and loneliest weeks of my entire life. I had no idea how much of a culture shock it would be. I went from having the most loving and brilliant home life to spending everyday pretty much on my own. I came to University thinking everyone is the same; loves to drink; go out have a good time; sleeps till noon and eats their way into next week, but I was taken by surprise when the only people who followed the same pattern were the lads across my hall, fun, but a girl needs some gossip and hardcore dancing with some other girls-right>?!

Well I suppose the only time I felt I had truly meet my match was when i got through trials of Netball and found Wednesday Night socials are where all the hidden beasts come out to play! Everyone I meet from Netball made me feel so comfortable and I felt I was able to enjoy my time more and more. They showed me and most other freshers how a night in Sheffield is really done. For our initiation (below) we had to put a condom over our head, down a shot every time we swore, have black paint smothered across our face, steal a sock from an innocent member of the public and if any of the set rules were not done to a certain standard, a roley poley had to be done then and there! throughout the night of course, alcohol was consumed every five seconds.
The Netball girls not only showed me the way of alcoholism but they some how became my friends and without them lets say life as a Student in Sheffield would suck for me.

As i started to think about this question and the difficulty I had settling in I realise the biggest thing affecting me was living in a small flat. The flat I live in only has four rooms and one of them had no one move in to begin with, so it was me, another girl and a boy. Getting along with the girl was no problem and has grown to be a good friend the boy however stays in his room all the time. Now I know that you are thinking, he can't stay in there all the time, but he does...really! So in reality I was living in a flat of two. Living with just one other person was strange and at times very isolating because understandably you want time to yourself and sit in your room, but by doing so the other person is on there own. After a while of getting use to my quiet surroundings my course mate decided she would like to move in to our spare room. This was brilliant news and I enjoyed being a little threesome with the girls and when ever one of us wondered to our room there would be another sitting by our side. Happiness in flat 28 didn't last for long though as my original flat mate decided to drop out and leave me back to a two, so adjustment back to a two was and I suppose is stilling occurring. I wouldn't change the people I lived with as they are really nice people. The thing that gets me is not having people 'just being around'.

After thinking over my answer to what's it like to be a Student in Sheffield, I believe I will still answer the same. Sheffield is a wonderful City that i always feel safe in and can always have a good night. My problems are not with Sheffield but with being a Student. The lifestyle change is easily adaptable for some people I just guess I'm not one of them. And do you know what, after wanting to be one of those people so much, I think I'm now alright with not being.

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